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Friday, July 31, 2009

Gimmick 'The Raven'

Alright everybody! This past week we have uncovered some of the top Street Magic tricks around. Starting today, I am going to alternate days on 2 different topics. One post is going to keep on topic of tricks that do not need to be bought and the other post is going to be based on tricks that require special gimmicks. I am a huge fan of not having to pay for anything, but there are some tricks I love to do, that need to be bought.

Today's gimmick is one of the first ones I have every owned and is known as 'The Raven'. By far this is one of the best close up magic tricks that you can perform for anyone. Once again, and I know this sounds like its getting old, but I first saw David Blaine perform this. It is such a ridiculous trick and I highly, highly recommend any of you who want to do magic, to buy this gimmick.

Penguin Magic is probably one of the top magic trick sites that offer the cream of the crop magic gimmicks. Click here to go directly to The Raven product on their site.

The effect: is simple but the outcome is an amazing one. You place a quarter on the back of someones hand and wave your hands over it. After you wave your hands, the quarter has disappeared without you even touching it.

The Secret: 'The Raven" is a gimmick that basically involves 5 things : fishing line, an Earth Magnet, felt, an elastic, and a safety pin. The fishing line is in a loop connected to the Earth Magnet, which is a very strong magnet that can pick up metal objects from inches away. The fishing line loops around the very tip of your middle finger. The magnet is wrapped up in felt so when it picks up the quarter, you can not hear it clink against it. The magnet is than attached to a wide elastic that runs up your sleeve and attaches to the inside of your shirt or coat with a safety pin. After the quarter has been picked up by the magnet, you simply bend your middle finger a tiny bit allowing the fishing line to slip off and shoot the magnet up your sleeve. That is pretty much it. It is an exciting trick to perform for people and I place it high on my list for gimmicks to own.

Note: I have seen people try to make this gimmick but it is a lot better and less hard to just buy it. It runs at a price of $25.00.