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Thursday, August 13, 2009

'Arm Twist Illusion'

Hey sorry everybody for not posting lately. I have been recuperating from my back surgery I had a little while ago. But on to the next trick shall we. Today's trick is one that you can do anytime anywhere and without any need for setup or props. Make sure you acting skills are up to par for the best results of surprise.

The Performance: You ask a spectator if they have ever seen something like this and ask them to try along with you. You place your hand on the ground thumb facing you. Tell them that they can see it best if they stand on the other side of you. When they are ready, tell them to twist their arm slowly counter clockwise. They won't make it very far but to their surprise, you continue to twist your arm all the way around till it has make a complete 360 twist!

This trick does not require you to dislocate your bones or anything. It is simply a matter of

The secret: So, the secret to this illusion is very simple. When you ask your spectator to get on the other side of you, you just simply twist your arm around. So when you 'twist' your arm counterclockwise, your are simply just untwisting your arm. If you do not understand this explanation, just check out the video below.

Note: If you wanted to add a little more kick to the trick, you can have an accomplice crush a water bottle to make a crunching sound as you finish the twist. Makes for a pretty cool effect